What’s New

Find out what’s new with Wyatt Brothers in our blog posts.

5 Stages Of Grief

5 Stages Of Grief

Dealing With The Loss Of A Loved One There are five commonly recognised stages of grief, as proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book "On Death and Dying." These stages are: 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance However, it's important to...

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The Role of A Funeral Director

The Role of A Funeral Director

A guide to the role of a Funeral Director. Losing a loved one is an emotionally challenging experience, and during this difficult time, funeral directors play a crucial role in guiding families through the process of arranging a meaningful and respectful farewell....

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Rise Above the Scaffolding: We’re Still Open!

Rise Above the Scaffolding: We’re Still Open!

Funeral Directors Behind the Scaffolding - We're Open and Here for You! We're delighted to announce that despite the scaffolding surrounding our premises, your trusted funeral home is open and operating smoothly. Don't let the temporary construction dampen your...

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Funeral Plans with Golden Charter

Funeral Plans with Golden Charter

Wyatt Brothers Funeral Directors - Funeral Plans If you would like to take out a funeral plan with us at Wyatt Brothers Funeral Directors, it is now easier than ever. Call Golden Charter on 0800 090 2495 and quote 'Wyatt Brothers Funeral Directors'. Golden Charter...

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Coronavirus and Funerals

Coronavirus and Funerals

Funerals in Plymouth still going ahead - but with a few differences These are certainly strange and uncertain times living through a global pandemic. Our lives have had to change to adhere to the ever changing guidelines, ensuring the safety of ourselves, our...

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Coronavirus – Impact On funerals

Coronavirus – Impact On funerals

Covid-19 and public health guidance The UK has released the current guidelines in order to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Stay at home Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home). Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other...

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Horse & Carriage Funerals

Horse & Carriage Funerals

Going out in style with Wyatt Brothers Occasionally we get to provide a family with these absolutely stunning animals, hired in from the amazing company, Equus. Perfect for both horse enthusiasts and those who just want to go out with a little bit extra style....

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BBC Interviews Wyatt Brothers

BBC Interviews Wyatt Brothers

John from Wyatt Brothers interview by the BBC With the recent incident that happened at Efford Crematorium, the BBC wanted a highly respected, local, independant funeral directors to discuss the impact it had on both the funeral directors and the bereaved families....

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Direct Cremation Services In Plymouth – What is it?

Direct Cremation Services In Plymouth – What is it?

Direct Cremation Services In Plymouth - What are they? A cremation without a service At Wyatt Brothers Funeral Directors, we often meet people who tell us they want a simple funeral as their farewell. We've all heard the common phrases along the lines of "I don’t want...

5 Stages Of Grief

5 Stages Of Grief

Dealing With The Loss Of A Loved One There are five commonly recognised stages of grief, as proposed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book "On Death and Dying." These stages are: 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance However, it's important to...

The Role of A Funeral Director

The Role of A Funeral Director

A guide to the role of a Funeral Director. Losing a loved one is an emotionally challenging experience, and during this difficult time, funeral directors play a crucial role in guiding families through the process of arranging a meaningful and respectful farewell....

Funeral Plans with Golden Charter

Funeral Plans with Golden Charter

Wyatt Brothers Funeral Directors - Funeral Plans If you would like to take out a funeral plan with us at Wyatt Brothers Funeral Directors, it is now easier than ever. Call Golden Charter on 0800 090 2495 and quote 'Wyatt Brothers Funeral Directors'. Golden Charter...

Coronavirus and Funerals

Coronavirus and Funerals

Funerals in Plymouth still going ahead - but with a few differences These are certainly strange and uncertain times living through a global pandemic. Our lives have had to change to adhere to the ever changing guidelines, ensuring the safety of ourselves, our...

Coronavirus – Impact On funerals

Coronavirus – Impact On funerals

Covid-19 and public health guidance The UK has released the current guidelines in order to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Stay at home Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home). Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other...

Horse & Carriage Funerals

Horse & Carriage Funerals

Going out in style with Wyatt Brothers Occasionally we get to provide a family with these absolutely stunning animals, hired in from the amazing company, Equus. Perfect for both horse enthusiasts and those who just want to go out with a little bit extra style....

BBC Interviews Wyatt Brothers

BBC Interviews Wyatt Brothers

John from Wyatt Brothers interview by the BBC With the recent incident that happened at Efford Crematorium, the BBC wanted a highly respected, local, independant funeral directors to discuss the impact it had on both the funeral directors and the bereaved families....